Specialist Visit
Remember Tucker? He is the lab from Quebec who's owner chopped off his tail. Well today Tucker had to go visit our specialist because he has started limping in his back leg. He had multiple xrays done on his hips and legs. Good news: it's not hip dysplasia and Tucker has lost some weight and weighed 78.4 lbs today. Bad news: he has arthritis in his back left knee and even worse he has a partially torn cruciate which requires surgery to fix. The specialist also did an xray of his right leg and he may has have a partial tear in the right leg cruciate too. The specialist is going to speak with the radiologist to confirm the diagnoses but he is quite sure his left side has a partial tear which is going to require surgery to correct. At this point it isn't considered an emergency issue but should be corrected asap so it doesn't go urgent (January-February at the latest). The surgery for just the one side is estimated to be $1,500-$2,500 + tax. For now he is on a pain medication and taking glucosamine & chondroitin to help with the arthritis (supplement)