The R.L.A.R Team

Shyla was rescued from an Amish puppymill. She was timid, scared of everything and untrustiing of humans. With patience,love and time she has become a trusting, loving, snuggly bundle of puppy.She is a great example of what a rescue animal has to offer if you take the time to look past the fear and sadness in their eyes!
She is loved profusely by her adoptive family (Jennifer Wick's) including her doggy sister Gypsy and human brothers. She loves to snuggle in bed and has her own pillow to lay her tired head on. She loves to play, give kisses and has learned about this thing called a boat - and she LOVES it. She also loves her job, she gets thoroughly excited when her vest comes out and it's time for her to attend various events with Jennifer.

Jennifer lives in Morris-Turnberry, just outside of Wingham, Ontario with her husband and children (furry & human). She has a small hobby farm which house various animals such as dog's, ferrets, ducks, turkeys, pygmy goats, peacocks, pheasants, chinchilla's, and degu's and a cat - and yes, he is the KING. Many of the animals which call Jennifer's place home, were rescued or brought from people whom for many reasons could no longer care for them.
Jennifer's experience has been with dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, small animals, poultry and small livestock. She has much experience with orphaned baby animals.
Even as a very young child Jennifer has been huge animal lover, bringing orphaned, abandoned, and injured animals home. She cannot imagine her life without animals in it. She believes that even the smallest act of kindness towards an animal in need, reaps the greatest rewards.